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Message Board

Hardy Owners Club Message Board Help Page

Our Message Board pages are intended to make it easy for HOC members and guests to freely communicate and to share information on all aspects of Hardy boats as well as boating in general.

If this is your first visit to our Message Board then the following information will be useful.

HOC Message Board Index Page: Messages are divided into four main categories: Boat Handling, Engines, Care and Maintenance, Miscellaneous. The Message Board index page shows all topics currently under discussion. Apart from the topic title link, the number in brackets shows the number of comments on any topic, whilst the date shows the most recent contribution to the topic. Topics are sorted into date order with the most recent contributions always at the top of the various category lists.

Reading topics and adding comments: Click on any title link. This will open a new browser window showing the original message at the top, with any subsequent comments added in order below. At the bottom of the page you will see a form where you can add your own comment to this topic. If you have posted to our Message Board during the last six months you will find your name, membership number, and email address are already filled in (see Privacy below). If any details have changed, simply replace them. Normally though, all you will need to do is to enter your own message and click the 'Submit' button. After a few moments you will see an on-screen confirmation that we have received your message. You will also receive a confirmation email.

If your message is longer than a sentence or two you may find it more convenient to use a word processor to prepare your message off-line and then simply copy and paste your text into the message box and submit when you are next on-line.

Adding a photo to a message:You must own the copyright to any image you submit. Large photos are automatically resized to a suitable maximum size for the message board, but smaller photos are not enlarged. Ideally the photo .jpg file size submitted should be about 1Mb. No .jpg file may exceed 5Mb and larger file sizes may take a long time to submit.

Adding new topics: New topics are always welcome, but please first check to see if the topic you are about to post is already under discussion.

To add a topic, simply click on the 'Click here to add a new topic' link at the top of the Message Board index page. First, please select the most relevant category for your topic then add a title. Please keep this brief as it will become the title link that will appear on the Message Board index page. The more accurate the title is, the more likely you are to receive interesting feedback from other members and guests.

As with the comment form, if you have posted before your name, membership number, and email address are already filled in for you, so all you will need to do is to add the text of your message and click the 'Submit' button. After a few moments you will see an on-screen confirmation that we have received your message. You will also receive a confirmation email.

Message Board update advice: Approximately once a week we can email you and let you know about all the recent postings to the Message Board. You can receive these emails by filling in Subscribe today link on the Message Board index page. Note that this is only a short advice; to read the comments you will need to log on to the HOC site as normal. Also note that your email address is stored in a private and protected database which not accessible and not made available to anyone else in the interests of security. You may remove your details at any time by using the Unsubscribe button.

Email addresses: We ask for your email address only so that we can confirm receipt of your message, and to enable us to contact you in the event of a query regarding your message. In the interests of privacy, email addresses are not automatically published on the Message Board, but you are free to also include your email address within the body text of your message if you wish to do so. However we would not normally recommend the publication of your email address on any website in an identifiable form since this may result in its capture by various 'Spam' engines which regularly trawl all Internet web pages looking for such addresses. If you have a query regarding any topic to discuss off the site, then the Webmaster can usually forward a message to the originator of the topic such that he may contact you directly.
Many HOC Members also have their contact details listed in our Members Pages Social Members List

Cookies: The HOC Message Board uses conventional browser cookies to store your name, membership number and email address on your own computer. These cookies are for the exclusive use of the HOC website form pages, and purely for the convenience of our contributors. Any supplied personal information is for the exclusive use of the Hardy Owners Club and will not be made available to any other organisation.

Webmaster's discretion: The Hardy Owners Club webmaster reserves the right to accept, decline or edit any message.

Disclaimer:  The HOC Message Board is provided on our site for the use and convenience of our members and visitors. However any views, opinions, advice or content expressed thereupon are not necessarily the views or opinions of the Hardy Owners Club and/or its Officers and they cannot be held accountable for such views, opinions, advice or content.

Upon following any links to external sites you will be leaving our website privacy policy. The Hardy Owners Club and/or its Officers are unable to verify or be accountable for the content or use of any website, pages or service linked to or from this site.

The Hardy Owners Club is completely independent of Hardy Marine Ltd. (See the 'About the Hardy Owners Club' page for further information.)