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Message board > Engines > Correct routing for control cables on Hardy Pilot 20

Message 2 of 2
Posted by member Hardy Editor on Wednesday 17 July 2019

Ahoy Martin,

Any chance that you could post a picture on here of the current set-up on your Hardy for us?

I also have a Family Pilot, and I am sure that many other Pilot owners will get in touch with you, including Simon Papendick who constructed the early Pilots (amongst others) about this.

I can send you shots of my own set-up (which is pretty standard) in due course, but a picture from you may help the explanation of what has been done to your own craft.

All the best,

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Message 1 of 2
Posted by member Martin MacGillivray on Wednesday 17 July 2019

I am about to replace the engine. The current engine is hung on a custom built stainless frame, so projects out the back. I'm not sure why this has been done, so I'd like to remove this and mount the new engine as per original on the transom. I am presuming the steering and control cables came in through the side of the transom well. Owing to the tight space would the steering cable have been a 'splash well' cable mount rather than the normal tilt tube? (i.e. a fitting which bolts onto the transom well side and steers by direct connection to the motor rather than pushing through the tilt tube and connecting to the engine via the L shaped linkage).

If the control cables need to come through the transom side, can anyone recommend a suitable fitting that is waterproof / resistant?

I'd be grateful for any advice on this type of installation.

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