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Message board > Miscellaneous topics > Hardy (537) 18 M.S. Mast.

Message 4 of 4
Posted by member Colin & Angela Hewitson on Wednesday 19 June 2019

Dear Marie,

You really do yourself an injustice, the help and friendly advice you have personally given have been totally awesome, not to mention the time and considerable effort and patience you have expended on our behalf!

I do of course wholly concur with your comments about Simon and Jan, their help has been of huge assistance to us and I cannot thank them enough, especially Jan who literally 'went out of his way' to help us, I will not elaborate further in respect of Jan's wishes, however, we shall be eternally grateful.

It's special people that make a club special and this club is very special!

I do apologise that I didn't have the sense to join earlier - perhaps that's a blessing to you all?

I came close to it a few times but as we didn't actually own a Hardy, I didn't think we would be welcome - how wrong could I have been, the welcome and help received so far has been humbling to say the very least!

Thank you all, Marie, whether you like it or not, you have new friends in Angie and I!

(Still trying to get my little head around the fact that you mentioned me in passing to John Hardy and he even knows I exist !!! - I will wake from my dream soon!)

best regards,

Col. (& Angie)

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Message 3 of 4
Posted by member Hardy Editor on Wednesday 19 June 2019

Ahoy Colin & Angie,

You are most welcome and it is a pleasure to try and help HOC members with their enquiries, and I feel like a fraud, because all that I do is ring people who I know DO know everything (or at least a lot more than I do!!)

We are fortunate to have some wonderful members in the HOC who love getting involved trying to help other members with their various questions and in this case whilst attempting to help Angie & Colin, I must thank specifically Jan who I wrote to first of all and who passed on a plethora of information to Colin & Angie, and also Simon Papendick of J-Star Marine Services, who many of you will already be aware worked for the original Hardy Marine with John Hardy, and who has extensive knowledge of how the earlier craft were built, as he built them!
Our sincere thanks to both these individuals.

Kindest regards,

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Message 2 of 4
Posted by member Colin & Angela Hewitson on Wednesday 19 June 2019

Hi, many thanks to Marie (Editor and just wonderful person) and to all others who have been great in providing some answers.
I gather the masts fitted were the same height as the boat length which sort of makes sense.
I am also aware that any increase in sail area/mast length would necessitate increase in ballast at tother end! and/or could even destabilise the boat.

So an increase of this nature may not be so desireable.

Apologies for showing my lack of knowledge in these matters but that's why it's best to ask the experts!

Indeed thanks to all those that helped, again it's much appreciated and what makes clubs like this so good/important, in fact I wish we had joined much earlier and wouldn't understand any Hardy boat owner who wouldn't choose to be a member!
I shall be asking that of any Hardy owner I discuss boats with in the future.

best regards to all,

Col (& Angela)

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Message 1 of 4
Posted by member Colin & Angela Hewitson on Wednesday 19 June 2019

Hi Guys, I am sure that I have seen/read about Hardy masts somewhere before, if not here, then on the net, trouble is I cannot find it.
Questions are - on the type 537 18 Hardy M.S. boats,

Was there a 'standard' size/length/height mast fitted and if so, what was its length?

Was it possible to order the boat with a taller mast? (and larger sail area) I am sure I remember reading that differing heights could be ordered.

If a mast higher than the 'standard' mast was fitted (say 5 foot taller) would the standard supports/reinforcement in the cabin roof where the mast tabernacle was fitted be up to supporting the extra loading, both the mast and the wind loading under full sail etc?

If not, then would an additional mast support be required through the cabin below and would the floor be adequate to brace this off?

If anyone knows the difinitive answer for this I would be grateful.



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