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Message board > Engines > Honda 75 power and tilt problem

Message 2 of 2
Posted by member Simon Kidd on Monday 6 August 2018

Hi Peter.
I'm sure that Honda would be delighted to supply you a replacement, though I'd imagine the cost would be, how would we say it, "high".

I think the best thing to do would be to speak to good local outboard engineers. Looking online, I see others have repaired similar issues on the BF130, in the US it seems to be an almost DIY job - though not for the faint-hearted. I'm not sure where you're based, but I'm sure a good local outfit could sort the problem. If you let me know the location of the boat, I'm happy to have a dig and see if anyone can be suggested.

Best Regards

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Message 1 of 2
Posted by member Peter Cox on Monday 6 August 2018

Hi , I have a Hardy Fisher 20 and a 1998 Honda BBFA 75 A which has leak on the tilt and power main piston, as such I cannot tilt the engine up or down. At the moment she is in the water and I use it with the engine in the down position ( anti fouled the bottom unit ) but as expected, still getting a build-up of weed. Does anyone know where I can get a replacement or service so that I can sort it out this winter.

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