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Message board > Care & maintenance > Wooden Fender Rails (That holds the Fender Rope)

Message 3 of 3
Posted by member Robert Sneddon on Thursday 26 November 2015

Hi Henry. Just to confirm Edwards comments. The wooden support for the fender rope is indeed secured with fixing screws from the inside. I had the same problem with the wood being a little loose when I changed the rope fender. Once I had peeled back the cabin lining I was lucky enough to get away with tightening up the screws, I also used a little bit of sealer in the holes. I needed to replaced a couple of the original screws with ones slightly bigger to get a better grip in the wood. All the best Robert.

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Message 2 of 3
Posted by member Edward Cartner on Monday 23 November 2015

Good afternoon Henry, Although the fender rope on my Bosun did not need replacing, when I bought the boat earlier this year I found that the wooden rails had sprung away from the curve of the bow on each side. As far as I could tell, a screw set into the wood from inside the hull had pulled out of the wood; the screw heads were covered by the cabin lining. This seemed to be the case for all the fixings running aft. To pull the forward ends of the rails back against the curved hull I cut into the liner, removed the screw and fitted a csk stainless bolt from the outside. This pulled in the wood against the curve and a generous dollop of sealant. All was cut flush inside and the liner patch replaced. Perhaps not quite your problem, but I hope this helps. Edward Cartner.

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Message 1 of 3
Posted by member Henry Carter on Monday 23 November 2015

Hi All, Im hoping someone can help me out. Im replacing my Hardys Fender rope. As I've taken it off I've noticed the wooden rails that hold the rope on the side of the boat is loose. Ive looked and unsure how I can tighten up the wooden rails? I am missing something very simple as I can't see how this is done..? Any support is welcomed.

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